Wow. I was pointed this way by Margaret Anna Alice and am here because of her. Thanks, MAA! So glad to have found another Bulgarian on here with terrific writing skills and similar experiences to me. As an immigrant who settled in the States, I only experienced twelve years of Communism, but my warnings also fall on deaf years amongst my progressive friends (I live in Chicago) although, admittedly, part of me romanticizes the home country still. That may be because life in America has been, at times, unbearable difficult. But mostly, it’s due to the fact that I’m from Burgas and life on the Black Sea feels a little different. There’s live music and theatre, and culture seems to thrive. Of course, my perspective might be skewed because I’m experiencing my stay there on vacation. But I’m also really drawn to finding property in the mountains and living there for half the year. Sofia has never appealed to me and all the drudgery there is depressing AF.

You have very acute observations on the way communism has ruined the lives of Bulgarians. The animal and hospital experiences are heartbreaking and I’ve seen that there, even in the cleaned up aspects of coastal cities. I, too, had a grandfather who was jailed during communist times for anti-government speech. He, too, didn’t speak about it.

The paradox is that Bulgaria has some unbelievable talent. And I’m not even speaking about the phenoms like those village teenaged girls that brought home the gold on world chess. But even just casual talent holds the bar pretty high and it doesn’t surprise me that the youth is searching for better lives outside the borders of the homeland. Because that talent isn’t employed at home, or because, as you mention, it is not rewarded better than the lazy counterparts, the older generation is wistful for the old communist times. It will get better. I have faith that immigrants like me, who wish to carve a space back in BG (even faced with the antagonism of old Bulgarians who resent ex-pats returning with their hard earned money from the west) will help bring some better methodology of daily existence and living standards. I truly believe we can help Bulgaria evolve past its growing pains which have lasted a bit too long.

Anyway, so happy to have been pointed in this direction and am looking forward to reading more of you.

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Hah, I have to thank MAA as well as she pointed me out to you, too :)

Your comment is so validating and your words resonate so much with me! Our experiences may differ, but our impressions remain the same. The countryside and resort areas are definitely vastly different from Sofia - which is such a soulless cesspool - much of my experience is from being in Sofia (I was born in Sofia and stayed at my grandparents (unoccupied) apartment when I was visiting). We only ventured outside the city once (to Sandanski, where my uncle lives). My mom talks about moving back to Bulgaria all the time. I don't think she ever managed to adapt to Canadian culture - she despises the passive aggressiveness and fake niceties, which I totally understand. I've also been tempted to write about how Bulgarians/people from post-communist countries handled Covid - it's fascinating to me, because Bulgaria had low vaccine uptake for obvious reasons (govt distrust, etc) and from what I can tell, very few skeptics were harassed/exiled, etc. to the extent that they were here (where I live in Canada).

I'm so looking forward to following more of your work as well and how your own life experience/upbringing has shaped the kind of person you are. It's so great to find likeminded people. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to connect more!

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Greetings... to Crow and Ratio...

I grew up in Fascist Germ,any... we had Fascism and Communism alike.

I also lived quite some time in China...

What happens now in Germany will happen to the world... ComuFascism 3.3

Communism and Capitalism are Siamese Twins.

Communism is State Capitalism... that is a fact.

What we need to be aware is that neither gives Opportunity to those who deserve it but to those who are selected to uphold the System.

The Equality in both System is achieved by lowering the standard and as such making improvement impossible.

One Individual can change the world... Nikola Tesla proved this.

However Individualism in both systems alike are unwanted and a danger to both systems.


Individualism and the basis which is free education for life at any given point are the enemy of this systematic abuse of Humanity.

Both Systems alike come from the Rothschild Fascism Family of unprecedented hatred for Humanity and their brethren of Satanic abuse...

And Satan's name is Rothschild.

In both systems it is the control of money which controls the outcome.

I wrote this before... the Sleeper must awaken

The Individual Arise

There is a Sleeper in Metropolis and the Sleeper must awaken


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Can you say something about why the population of Bulgaria has been declining? Emigration? Low birth rate?

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Communism was the scribblings of Karl Marx paid for by his brother freemasons. They keep pushing it because the demons they worship hate humanity and want to enslave mankind.

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Appreciate this reporting of first hand experience. Funny how only names change but actual living practices do not. The Republic of Bulgaria? Lol.

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