Since I believe the King James Bible is absolute Truth, I don't have the same optimism that we can turn society around anymore by merely resisting. That train left long ago. We are an ever-dwindling minority who hold to objective truths even though spiritual wickedness in high places convinced us we live on a spinning ball, flying through infinite space. After the additional theories of Darwinian evolution, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Marxist communism and feminism became the established faith, the God of the Bible was removed from our thoughts and relativism became the new religion. We are now our own gods doing as we will. How's that working out for us? Think I'll keep speaking the Truth in love and wait for that blessed Savior to appear and set things aright.

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Truth is just another uman Thought construct. Each brain generate it's own truth. When uman animals communicate and start spewing their thoughts at some point those that know the thought might agree with it and both start to claim that said thought is truth. Well we can easily see how this process can derail into fun uman violent events.

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"That said, I think we can create something new out of a fractured, relativist, post-modern world, but we have to be willing to resist these trends and be unwavering in our commitment to objectivity. "

I like the optimism of this statement, I'm not sure I personally have the strength, but I hope it's easier for others than me.

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